Table of Contents Page
ARTICLE I. Name and Location 1
ARTICLE II. Purpose 1
ARTICLE III. Membership 2
ARTICLE IV. Registration/Application Fee, Dues and Assessments 5
ARTICLE V. Officers 6
ARTICLE VI. Qualification of Officers and Tenure of Office 9
ARTICLE VII. Election and Appointments 10
ARTICLE VIII. Meetings and Meetings’ Procedures 11
ARTICLE IX. Committees and Compositions 12
ARTICLE X. Community Events and Other Activities 15
ARTICLE XI. Insurance 17
ARTICLE XII. Code of Ethics 18
ARTICLE XIII. Finance 19
ARTICLE XV. Interpretation and Amendment of the Constitution 20
ARTICLE XVI. Seal of the Association 20
ARTICLE XVII. Compensation, Limitation on Liabilities and Indemnification 21
ARTICLE XVIII. Oath of Office 22
ARTICLE XIX. Dissolution 22
APPENDIX A. Listing of Amendments 23
Section 1
The name of this organization shall be URHOBO PROGRESSIVE ASSOCIATION, as incorporated in 1983 under the laws of the State of Texas.
Section 2
The (a) acronym for URHOBO PROGRESSIVE ASSOCIATION shall be “UPA,” and (b) motto of URHOBO PROGRESSIVE ASSOCIATION shall be “Culture, Unity and Progress – CUP.”
Section 3
The “Association,” or “UPA” as used within the “Constitution” shall mean URHOBO PROGRESSIVE ASSOCIATION.
Section 4
The location of the principal office of the Association is Houston, Harris County, Texas. The principal office may be changed from time to time by action of a two third (2/3) vote of registered members of the Association.
Section 5
The use of the pronoun his or her shall be ender neutral and denote or have the same meaning. They may be used interchangeably.
Section l
The Association is an “Ethnic Organization”. Its primary objectives are:
a) To preserve and promote the dignity and uniqueness of The URHOBO nation, culture and language, by encouraging the speaking, reading and writing of the Urhobo language as much as possible. The Association shall support strong family ties because the family is the nucleus and most important unit of cultural transmission and retention. The official language of the association is Urhobo but English is acceptable.
b) To establish structures conducive to the growth and continuity of URHOBO traditions.
c) To support and promote traditional and formal education of all Urhobos through active participation, where possible.
d) To engage in any and all economic activities necessary for the financial wellbeing of the association.
e) To support and promote charitable, scientific, literary and educational projects.
f) To provide support to communities devastated by disasters.
g) To eliminate prejudices and discriminations through community interaction, education and sponsored group activities.
h) To support other non-profit organizations and charities whose goals and objectives are based on non-profit support to needy communities.
Section 1
Any and all Urhobos by birth or marriage is eligible to apply for membership, except existing members prior to the ratification of this revised constitution. Admission to membership shall be according to the rules established by the Association and administered by the Membership Committee. The rules may be changed as necessary by a majority vote of registered members but not more than
once a year.
An application for membership shall go to the membership committee, who recommends persons for admission to the house, a after background check. Upon recommendation by the membership Committee, the applicant will be admitted if approved by a majority of those present at a regular meeting, and upon the
payment of the necessary registration fees, dues and assessments, as may be defined by the Association.
Section 2
Classification: The membership of the association shall consist of the following classes and/or any other class as may be defined by the Association:
Regular: A regular member is one who shall have, on the average, an annual minimum attendance record of 50% (six meetings) and shall not be delinquent in the payment of his/her membership dues for more than six months; any monthly dues delinquency in excess of six months shall terminate his or her membership.
Non-Regular: A non-regular member is a member who works on Sundays during regular meeting hours and has an average meeting attendance of below 50%. Said member shall, however, be 100% current in the payment of his or her respective monthly dues at each meeting.
Out-of-City or Out of State: A regular or non-regular member who relocates to more than 50 miles from the Houston City limit, or relocates to another state within the United States shall be treated as an out-of-city or out-of-state member. Said member shall, however, make an annual or quarterly payment of dues in order for said member to maintain his/her membership in the Association.
Honorary Member: The president may submit the name(s) of persons to be honored as honorary members(s), based on said person(s) moral and/or financial support of the Association. The name(s) shall be submitted to registered members for approval at any meeting upon recommendation by the Executive Committee.
Patrons and Matrons: The Association may appoint patrons and matrons as it shall
deem necessary upon recommendation by the Executive Committee. A majority
vote of members at any meeting shall be required for such appointment to be
Section 3
Classification Change: Regular, Non-Regular, Out-of-City or Out-of-State Members may change their class of membership upon oral or written notice to the Association.
Section 4
Attendance at Meetings: Each member shall make a good faith effort to attend any and all meetings of the Association irrespective of the member’s class.
Section 5
Termination: If any member shall fail to pay the required dues, assessments, or other obligation to the Association, the notification of delinquency and/or termination shall be given to such member by the Executive Committee.